somebody ask me to write the journey into the blog wor.... i din took any photo neh~~~ @@
original planning
1.30pm: departed from my house
2.00pm: fetch ah Yen
2.30pm-2.50pm: visit ah Shan's house and pick her
3.20pm-3.40pm: visit ah Wen's house and put her in my car too...
4.20pm-4.40pm: visit ah Hooi's house and ask him to drive his own car to the next destination
5.00pm-5.20pm: visit ah Hwa's house and drag him into ah Hooi's car
6.00pm-6.20pm: visit ah Lin's house and snatch her into the transport
6.40pm-7.00pm: visit ah Wei's house and eat all his biscuit ... then he use his cockroach's style moonwalk to move into ah Hooi's car
7.10pm-7.30pm: visit ah Cheng's house and pack him into my car's boot
8.15pm-9.00pm: visit ah Chuang's house and ask him bring us for dinner
9.00pm-11.00pm: PLAY CARDS with money~~~
Real Situation
2.00pm: departed
-> oppsss... car no fuel.... got pump fuel~~~
2.40pm: fetch ah Yen
3.15pm-3.45pm: visit ah Shan's house and pick her
-> haizz... drive wrong path when going to her place.... *twice* and take another 15 mins for tht...
4.00pm-5.00pm: visit ah Wen's house and put her in my car too...
-> ah Wen just woke up ..... and she is eating porridge and going to bath first... mean while... we are playing poker for fun while waiting for her..
5.40pm-6.00pm: visit ah Hooi's house and ask him to drive his own carto the next destination
-> this one no prob!!! good job!! Hooi~~
6.30pm-6.50pm: visit ah Hwa's house and drag him into ah Hooi's car
-> ah Hwa just reach home from work... then wait for him a while... v ^_^ v
and my angpao left in his house T.T
7.40pm-8.00pm: visit ah Lin's house and snatch her into the transport
-> dunno how to go.... wait her in Shell station....
8.55pm-9.30pm: visit ah Wei's house and eat all his biscuit ... then he use his cockroach's style moonwalk to move into ah Hooi's car
-> Drive here n there... wrong path, wrong path, wrong path!!!! finally reached!!! then sit in his house... i see u, u see me.... Hungry~~
9.50pm-10.40pm: Dinner
-> ask ah Wei to intro... he said Subaidah~~~ i guess it correctly!!! haha ><, but some of them not feeling well... so change destination to hawker food..
11.00pm-11.30pm: visit ah Cheng's house and pack him into my car's boot
-> ah Cheng intro his precious Sabah Tea for us... hehe~~~ next time i go drink again ya!!! =P
go home after that jor looo... and i reached home at 2am... stuck in Penang bridge for quite a moment... haiz
*Ah Chuang, Paiseh lar.... bcos of us... u din go Alor Setar with ur family.. wait us in ur house... yet we cant make it... Sorry leh~~ nxt time treat u drink beer lar... haha ><
and.... wer is my POKER time. T.T
Thursday, January 29, 2009
nian chu 3 visit old pal's hse!!
Posted by ch3 at 4:02 PM 3 comments
Labels: foods and gathering
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
你天生就有非常強的決斷力,精力旺盛且關愛他人,擁有強烈的欲妄想要操控一切事物,成為一名衝鋒陷陣的領導者;除了與生俱來的原創性外,發明的潛在天 分和想法也都相當正面。骨子裡,你可真不喜歡當老二呢!總想掌控所有的狀況,這也就是為什麼一號精靈大部分都會成為優秀的經理人、總監、總裁、輔導員與部 門領導人的緣故了。除了最直接的方式和別人做溝通,你的意志力、邏輯性常常會超出個人的感性面和情緒面。所以,你如果能多學習如何體貼他人的感受,將會有 更圓滿更融洽的人際關系。因為你的生日數字加起來的和是1,因此是受太陽所控制,你與出生於2月、4月、8月的人相處特別融洽,也特別有緣。星期日是你一 周中最好的幸運日。
你剛巧和1號人相反,你很斯文、和善、體貼,具有說服力,想象力豐富,相當羅曼帝克,敏感又合群。不管環境產生何種狀況,你都會很樂意去接受改變,配 合度相當高。在選擇朋友和生活環境的條件上,要比其他人更慎重。你對於音樂、舞蹈、詩詞、戲劇、繪畫等藝術都非常的熱愛。如果一定要在你的門上掛上一個大 招牌,好好顯示出你人生座右銘的話,那就是“愛”與“和平”啦。你的出生日是受到月亮所掌控,因此你會和出生與5月、7月的人相處的特別融洽。星期一是你 一周中的最佳幸運日。
演出,你特別擅長於大眾面前表現自己,在任何領域裡超前他人。你的眼睛永遠都是朝正前方望去,態度正面又樂觀,容易受到大家的尊重和喜愛。具有天生的 藝術鑒賞力,對時尚和美非常敏感,從事藝術方面的工作將有成就。在藝術領域裡、單位裡、社團裡通常能夠獲得很好的聲名。如果別人說你是只社交的花蝴蝶,那 可是讚美之辭哦!你非常重視良好的聲譽,天生就是一個傑出的社交高手。因為你的生日數字是3,直接受到木星的控制,所以你和出生於3月、12月的人會有不 可思議的良好關系。星期四是你一周中的幸運日。
你會認為自己無論是在哪一方面,都和別人不一樣,天生有種說不出來的優越感對於成就感,也另有一番解釋,在你的思維和想法中,存在著隱而為現卻相當的 目的和遠景。雖然,你天生就是那一種謹慎小心的人,但在你的內心世界,卻充滿了許多矛盾和自我對抗,對於某些事物的評斷,也有異於他人的偏頗觀點,這一方 面獲得相當程度的歡迎,另一方面卻在無形中為自己樹敵不少。你擁有一個對機械、數學、邏輯與建置架構尤其靈敏的頭腦。從你出生日數字反*了你先天憂郁的個 性,這也可以解釋為什麼你是如此地容易受到感情的傷害了。那些奇怪又特殊的情景特別引你注意“與眾不同”是你字典裡最常看到的字句。骨子裡,你是多麼渴望 打破傳統,抵抗毫無意義可言的常規啊!因為你的生日數字是4,所以受到天王星的完全影響和掌控。星期日是你一周中的幸運日。
冇錯- "
交朋友簡直就是你最拿手的專長,從你身上我們看到了“廣結善緣”最佳的詮釋了。你很喜歡變化,旅游是你的最愛,越稀奇古怪的事情越能挑起你的興趣。當 然,你更熱愛自由,你一生奮斗的生活目標與哲學,可以用這麼一句話來做標桿,那就是“愛情誠可貴,自由價更高。”為了追求獨立的自由,你願意付出任何代 價,這也就是為什麼,你始終都在人生的路上奔馳著,從沒有停下來歇息的時候。你有個非常聰明的腦袋瓜子,善於用你灰色的腦細胞**過日子,對於大量使用勞 力的工作還真有點兒排斥呢!你的適應力很強,特別是在有壓力的危機處理當中,你可以游刃有余地把問題解決掉。非常具有韌力和彈性,是大家對你的認識。但是 在選擇朋友和環境上頭,你就得多小心一點,可別來者不拒,三教九流之輩全變成你家的座上客。又因為你太善於言辭的表達,因此要謹慎地運用語句,避免衝動才 好。水星掌控你的生日數字5,因此你和出生於6月、9月的人處得很好。星期三是你一周中最幸運的日子。
你對於所有關於美好、舒適的事物都有一種難以言喻的渴望,比如說流暢的音樂、豐富的色彩,以及觸感極佳的布料或材質等。似乎追求美好就是你的天性,所 以有關嫉妒、不協調之事,都將離你遠遠地;你盡一切所能提供家人快樂與安全感,讓所有身邊的人都體會到你的愛心和責任感。從你身上所散發的磁性和魅力,毫 無疑問為你帶來豐富的友誼和建立相當穩固的人際關系。沒有人比你更擁有如此超強又精准的能力去閱讀他人內心的想法,以及判別所處狀況好壞的靈敏度。對於 愛、讚美與感激,你一直都抱著很崇高的敬意;對於公道和正義,也有極為強烈的概念和支持,這些要素構成了你一生的信條,而你也會為自己所相信的事情努力, 換句話說,就是為了理念而一生奮斗到底。金星掌管你的生日數字6,所以容易為出生於5月、7月與10月的人所吸引。星期五是一周中的幸運日。
基本上,別人在一開始和你接觸時,都會覺得你比較保守、安靜、低調。你以一種特有的方式,表現出自己獨立的原味,可算是一個非常奇特的個體;從另一角 度來看來你最喜歡的伴侶就是自己。超強的分析能力,廣博的知識概念,豐富的閱讀經曆,都是一般人對你印象。你對事情的因果關系很有興趣,總會一探虛實。喜 歡旅游到遙遠的地方,跋山涉水也在所不惜,那些具有異國情調的山湖島嶼都會有你的足跡(至少在夢裡)。你是最接近上帝的子民,直覺的天性讓你時常有預言性 的夢境出現,難怪你老對一些事物有似曾相識的感覺。你一向知道得多,卻說得少;也就是說,凡是沒有經過特定分析、小心驗證的事,你是不會隨便說出口的。你 特殊的天分還可以在寫作、研究、電腦、科學、神秘學等方面發揮出來。海王星掌管你的生日數字7,雙魚座,巨蟹座的人特別吸引你。星期一是你一周中的最佳幸 運日。
你有個相當深刻且強烈個性特質,總是比同年齡的人要早熟許多。對於生命,常會抱著一種哲學性的思維去看待它,是一個標准認真又嚴肅的人。積極努力的本 性,使你在大眾中容易獲得成功,為了完成偉大的工作計劃,即使是犧牲自己也在所不惜,你是那種為了達到目的永不放棄的人。因為容易被誤解,所以你常會感到 萬般孤獨。事實上,了解你的人都知道,你是一個極溫暖,願意伸出雙手關懷他人的人,同樣希望獲得他們的了解。你的生日數字總和為8,直接受到土星的影響, 對於那些出生在1月,10月的人都有極度的好感。星期六是你一周中的幸運日。
你是一個勇敢的生命斗士,會為所有的事情奮斗不懈;童年與青少年時期,因為你這種強烈的勇士性格,所以招致較多的紛爭和困擾。你的個性鮮明突出,對於 個人的評價和定位相當清楚,並不那麼在意別人對你的見解和想法。對於自我生命的掌握有很強烈的意志和欲望,也就是說,你認為只有自己才是自己生命的主人。 你有一種獨特的個性美,也是標准的急性子;如果能夠好好的控制一下脾氣,凡事三思而後行,自然容易攀達生命的*峰,成為優秀的領導者,完成理想事業。你的 生日數字和為9,受到火星的影響,通常與出生於4月、11月的人,彼此都有很強的吸引力。星期二是你一周中最佳的幸運日。
copyright from ""
sorry ya.. those cant read mandarin 1... i lazy to translate dy... haha
Posted by ch3 at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: others
Sunday, January 18, 2009
draw when study in lecture hall =P
During i study degree bachelor in KL TarC... I draw my lecturer potrait... =P
dear.... coursemate... come guess wh0 are them... haha >< Miss ING: .... min chin
his writing very nice!!
he always "hehehehe" @@
Posted by ch3 at 9:58 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Is That Ur daughter???
Yesterday i fetched my mom to meet her client, she wanna take some document to him... then i just stay put in the car and wait for her.
then her client ask my mom....
Client: Is That ur daughter????
CH3's Mom: no lar, is my youngest son... hehe ><
Client: good lor... so big boy dy...
*CH3 wanna faint dy*
am i pretty??? *vomit*
Posted by ch3 at 12:30 PM 3 comments
Labels: ch3's story
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
CNY Card for every family~~
CNY is coming!!!!! then need to greet my client's HAPPY CNY by sending CNY greeting Cards.Have to send a card per family~~~~
I have to sign in every CNY greetings cards ... few hundred copies arrrr @@
Posted by ch3 at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: others
Monday, January 12, 2009
Goodbye My Notes~~ T.T
Because lack of space in my house and my office... i decided to dump away my diploma and degree's notes away... haizMy timetable...
Handwriting timetable ...
My Math's tutorial...
My writing notes...
My mind map...
My exam slip...
Oh yeah.... my lecture notes.... my lecturer's hand writing damn nice... walao eh... like type out 1...
all inside here dy..... *DUMP*.... Soyonara... see you next life... T.T
Posted by ch3 at 3:29 PM 7 comments
Labels: memories
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friend's msn drawing for CH3!!!! =P
Over this few months... i did draw some msn drawing for some of my friends, in return... they also pay some effort to draw back for me... hehe >< A strawberry from my friend... she go Cameron Highland.. and i ask for souvenir, then she draw this for me... ><
Imitate from my Ninja... and she ask me.... same or not...@@.. but she only 10 years old ya, consider quite good dy... star of the future... haha !!
and the elder sister of the 10yrs old gal... also draw me something.... and said this is me and my wife!!.. i wondering who is my wife... haha
some more got baby timm...*faint*
Posted by ch3 at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: drawing
Friday, January 9, 2009
Bedtime Stories with CH3
Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is a hotel handyman whose life is changed forever when the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to mysteriously come true. He attempts to take advantage of the phenomenon, incorporating his own aspirations into one outlandish tale after another, but it's the kids' unexpected contributions that turn Skeeter's life upside down.
Is that good if ur bedtime stories that u tell ll going to be happen next day? is just like ur dream come true right???
What i learned from this movie is that we must have our own dream and dare to imagine it, we was the one who create our own story in our life. Of cause we need to work for it to succeed. Else ur dream will remain a DREAM...Introducing ...... BUTSY!! it was one of the main actor in that movie... haha... very Cute~~~
I am wondering what if CH3 have the eyes like Butsy @@
CH3 + Butsy = ButCHsy3
Posted by ch3 at 11:12 AM 2 comments
Labels: movies
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Kedai Gunting ASMOOI
I was driving a car and passed by in town area. I stopped because of red traffic light, and i found this shop... hehecan u find any "mistake" in that board?
"Well Come" To Salloon
Well come = well only come, not well cannot come??? =P
Posted by ch3 at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: others
Monday, January 5, 2009
My MSN Drawing Part 5
SeptemberPiggy~~~ simple but i feel cute.
Minnie n Micky~~~ (somebody's favourite)
Ladybird~~ O.O (somebody's name)
Hamtaro~~ (somebody's favourite)
A famous HP player~~
Posted by ch3 at 4:49 PM 2 comments
Labels: drawing
Saturday, January 3, 2009
How not to be a millionaire (part 2)
CONTINUE.... from part 1
Get a girlfriend. Spare no expense. Buy her the latest in designer and luxury brands. Add regularly to her LV collection if you know what's good for you.
Buy her sexy lingerie. Heck, get her ten. Now, that's an investment that could pay off in spades.
Pay for her manicure, pedicure, hair and beauty treatments. Pay for her occasional slimming sessions. Pay for her occasional tantrums.
G for the essential, relaxing spa weekend. Go for that even more essential, romantic getaway every month or so.
Get a credit card. Max it out, Get heir a credit card. Watch with amazement as she maxes it out even faster.
Have a big birthday bashes. If you beat the 365 to 1 odds and share the same birthday with her, you might save some cash here. Not.
Leave your money in the bank and let inflation dilute your cash, if you actually have any left by now.
Go out and party every weekend. Be generous. Buy every round.
Forget fast food joint and coffee shops, eat at the best restaurant.
Don't waste your money investing in unit trusts, property and business. It'll only dilute your spending power. Because your real financial problems haven't begun yet.
CH3 said hor.... if i can do all this kind of things.... I m already a MILLIONAIRE dy... haha><
if really dun wanna become millionaire... easy only. just go gamble... 80% u ll broke!!! try it... if u really want not become a millionaire. =P
Posted by ch3 at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: others
Friday, January 2, 2009
How not to be a millionaire (part 1)
How not to be a millionaire (i read it from personal money Jan 2009), i feel very funny, so i try share to u all...hehe
How not to be a millionaire
Buy a sports car.
Subsequently, pay for the installments, road tax, auto insurance, ever increasing fuel, sky-high parking fees, traffic offenses, maintenance fees, new sport rims, spoilers and an over-the top auto sound system.
If that isn't enough, buy a 1000cc motorbike. Just because.
Be extra nice to your parents. Move out. Rent that dream bachelor's pad. Fill it with minimalist designer furniture. Invest in a proper kitchen even if you can't cook.
Buy a really big TV. Don't wimp out anything below 50 inches is microscopic.
Make absolutely certain it's fully HD, Don't forget that very important 7.1 channel THX certified surround sound system.
Spend a bomb to sound-proof your room because the neighbors can't appreciate your 7.1 channel THX certified surround sound system.
Buy PS3. Buy an X-Box 360. Buy a Wii. Buy a PSP. Buy a DS. While you're at it, get an MBA as well.
Feel free to add to your sneaker, tie, comic, movie, t-shirt, toy, book, manga, Transformers and Hello Kitty collection.
Try extra-curricular activities like paintball (CH3 pronounce it as PAINBALL), go-karting, mountain bike trekking, radio controlled cars, planes, helicopters and boats.
Get all your favourite football team mechandise. Home and away strips included. Buy the silly hats, giant fingers and masks.
Go and see them play at least once a year in the UK. Pay black market prices if you cant get the ticket.
Bid on autographed (like that sweaty, never, ever been washed t-shirt thrown into the crowd by the captain after a cup winning final) memorabilia of your heroes. Pay through your nose for exclusive merchandise endorsed by your heroes.
If you're feeling a little overwhelmed by now, this is where it gets hairy.
hand tired lar~~~ after type so much.... wait for part 2 ya... =P
Posted by ch3 at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: others
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year 2009
If i got 10 wishes, what will i wish for... hmmm *think*~~~
I wish everybody happy happy everyday in year 2009;
I wish everybody good luck everyday in year 2009;
I wish everybody's dreams can come true in year 2009;
I wish all of my exam can pass in year 2009;
I wish i can gain more money;
I wish my career can step step high rise =P;
I wish my family members healthy in year 2009;
I wish i can know more good friends;
I wish everybody around me can learn from each other;
I wish I have 10 more WISHES!!!!! hehehehe~~~
Posted by ch3 at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Labels: others